Our Lady's Pre School
Our Lady's Pre School offers places for 3 and 4 year olds. They will join a thriving school family where we live ,laugh, love and learn alongside one another.
At Our Lady's Pre school we recognise that all children are unique individuals who learn and develop at their own pace.
We aim to create an environment in which children are immersed in exciting, challenging and stimulating experiences.
Our Pre school works closely with our year reception staff to ensure continuity and consistency in the delivery of high quality education across EYFS.
Our Lady's Pre school is open to every family in the community and can accommodate up to 24 children in any one session. Children are admitted to Pre school the term after they are 3 years dependent on availability of places, and the readiness of the individual child to happily stay within the setting. Your child can stay in the Pre school until they start year reception. Please note a place at Pre school does not guarantee a place in our year reception class.
Parents/Carers are encouraged to visit the setting with their child shortly before admission is due. We recognise that starting pre School can be an anxious time for you and your child therefore our settling in procedure is flexible and will be tailored to your child's individual needs. Children may attend for short periods at the beginning and gradually build up to full sessions.
Free Early Education
Every child is eligible to 15 hours early years free education the term after their third birthday. This eligibility remains until they start full time school. This funding is open to all children. Some 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to a total of 30 free hours. Parents can check their eligibility for this entitlement by clicking on the link.
Admissions Form
We encourage all parents to use our Pre School uniform for their children. This uniform encourages them to feel a sense of belonging to our school family. It allows children to be free to enjoy their learning without worry about what they are wearing.
White polo shirt with school logo
School jumper or cardigan
Grey or blue jogging bottoms / grey school trousers/ grey skirt or pinafore
Polo shirt and school jumper/ cardigan can be ordered from Touchline