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Year 5

Friday 10th January 2025

Hello Year 5!

Surprise, surprise-another snow day means more home learning! Today, you’ll be putting those notes from yesterday to good use by writing a biography about William Shakespeare. Yes, that guy again. Don’t worry, by the time you’re done, you’ll practically be Shakespeare experts. You’ll also be revising 4-digit numbers, because who doesn’t love a bit of number fun on a snowy, icy day?


If you're in the choir, note the updated Choir tab on the home learning page of the website with an update of a new song to begin learning.


And don't forget about the big challenge- Times Tables Rock Stars. At the moment, you’re winning the head-to-head versus the teachers, but don’t get too comfortable. The teachers are coming for you, and we plan to gloat endlessly if we win. So, if you want to avoid a week of hearing about how brilliant we are, you’d better keep those scores up!


Good luck—you’ll need it. Stay warm, stay focused, and try not to let the ice distract you too much!

Thursday 9th January 2025

Hello Year 5!

Congratulations on your unexpected day off! Don’t get too excited, though- we couldn’t let you get away without some work. I have thoughtfully prepared some maths challenges (you’re welcome) and a bit of William Shakespeare, because what better way to spend a snow day than learning about a 16th-century playwright?


We know you’re all eager to dive right in, so once you’ve finished dazzling us with your brilliance, you can reward yourself with some time in the snow/ice. Sound fair?


Stay safe, stay sensible, and don’t forget- snow day or not, the learning never stops!
